Contact us
Want to get in touch with us?
We welcome your inquiry, whether it's a question about our product, a recipe tip, a funny story or a specific message to an employee. Feel free to contact us by phone or email.
Note! Inquiries regarding complaints must be filled out in our 'complaint form'.
Note! Inquiries regarding complaints must be filled out in our 'complaint form'.
Job vacancies are posted on Jobindex. Submit your application and CV here on the website. Click on one of the two links below depending on whether you are applying for a job in production or as a salaried employee.
If you want to send an unsolicited application, you can choose to fill out one of the two forms. Unsolicited applications will not be answered, but will be stored for 3 months, after which the application will be deleted.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Links to forms and upload access:
Our company policy is that we generally only sponsor local areas and causes that benefit our employees. See the form on the following page: